430 N Hampton Ave
Russellville, AR 72802
ph: 479-890-6203
fax: 479-890-8014
If you are shopping for a used vehicle, be sure you visit with the Credit Union about your financing options. We have many options available that allow us to custom fit the financing you need. Financing a used vehicle is easy and convenient with a credit union loan.
• Several qualified terms of financing available, from short-term needs of just a few months, to longer terms of up to 6 years.
• Single or Joint Credit Life, Single or Joint Credit Disability and GAP insurance available.
• Interest rates are not based on the vehicle year model alone. Your interest rate will be based on your individual credit status and the particular vehicle you are purchasing. The better your overall credit worthiness, and the newer the year model, the better your interest rate.
• Marginal or poor credit, don’t worry, you are not out of the picture. We will use all available options to develop an approved loan package that allows us meet your financing needs at the best possible rate.
Here are some examples: We normally finance 90% of the NADA retail price on your used vehicle… we can sometimes add sales tax or trade deficiencies to your loan up to 90% of the NADA… need to go over NADA because of the sales tax or trade deficiency?… we can do that. Or maybe you need to extend the terms a few extra months to allow for adding one of the insurance’s or just to lower the payment… we can do that too… so be sure to call or come by the Credit Union and see what we can do for you.
And remember that your loan payment can be made easy with an automatic payroll deduction, direct deposit, account transfer or direct draft of another account. This eliminates the need to write out and mail checks each month. You can arrange for one of the simple payment options at the same time you arrange for your loan.
430 N Hampton Ave
Russellville, AR 72802
ph: 479-890-6203
fax: 479-890-8014